Silicor Materials Iceland ehf.
03 Sep 2020
Over the last six years Silicor inc. (USA) developed a process to produce Solar Grade Silicon from silicon metal (MG-Si) using simple metallurgical methods at low costs. While standard industrial methods like the Siemens process require a lot of energy (70-90kWh/kg) and stabilized at costs of (13-15 USD/kg) Silicor’s process requires 60% less energy and has costs below 10 USD/kg. Running a pilot line in Ontario (Canada) the process yields were verified and, based on this experience, a cost model, layout and specification for a plant producing 10k metric tons (MT) of silicon was developed and is now in a final stage of planning.
Silicor is participating WP2 and WP4 within this project. The company will focus on business case 4 and has the plan to demonstrate the refining of Si products for application as HP-Si.