June 2023: an exciting month for SisAl Pilot!
11 Jul 2023
June 2023 has been a really exciting month for SisAl Pilot, as the project was showcased in the frame of 2 international conference, namely:
- 22nd ECMI Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics – 26-30 June 2023 – Wroctaw, Poland.
- Metal Industry and Technologies International Trade Fair, 20-22 June 2022, Vigo, Spain.
where the CITMAga team has the chance of networking with local and international companies.
In addition, in the frame of the ECMI 2023 conference, Oscar Crego Martinez presented “NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF INDUCTION FURNACES IN SISAL PILOT, AN INNOVATIVE PROJECT FOR SILICON PRODUCTION” on June 26th, 2023.