Towards a more sustainable Alumina production in Europe, online workshop, 23-24 September 2021
- 16 Apr 2021
23 – 24 Sep 2021
The project coordinator (NTNU) will present SisAl Pilot in the online workshop “Towards a more sustainable Alumina production in Europe”, which will be held online on September 23-24.
The main objectives of this workshop are to promote exchange and cross-fertilisation between those EU projects and the industry in order to foster new synergies. The ultimate goal is to identify the most promising processing routes to turn bauxite residue into resource or to produce alumina from alternative sources.
The workshop will be articulated between several plenary sessions where the various project outcomes will be presented in combination with virtual coffee break where participants will be invited to pursue the discussion with speakers and other participants in an user-friendly networking area.
The Workshop is freely accessible and the deadline for registration is 15 September. Only registered participants will have access to the workshop and registration will open in June 2021. More information can be found here.