Norwegian National Conference for Materials Technology. 2-3 December 2020
- 16 Sep 2020
02 – 03 Dec 2020
SisAl Pilot will be presented at Norwegian National Conference for Material Technologies (Nasjonal konferanse for materialteknologi) that will take place on the 2nd and 3rd December 2020, in Trondheim. This event is a broad professional meeting place between industry and research, by representing an arena for networking, and a showcase for young researchers. The 2020 Edition will be focussed on the following theme: “Energy and climate – challenges and opportunities for Norwegian industry”.
The event represents for SisAl Pilot the second occasion to illustrate its ambitious objective to demonstrate an innovative industrial process to produce silicon with low environmental impact using secondary Aluminium and silicon raw materials and collect feedback from the industrial and academic stakeholders. The promotion of SisAl Pilot was kick-started online at the Si Conference: Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XVI on the 14th -16th June 2020. An article with the title “SisAl – A New Process for Production of Silicon” was published in the conference proceedings. In total, 95 people from Industry, Research Institutes and universities attend the conference.