Innovation Engineering Srl

15 Aug 2020

Innovation Engineering S.r.l. is a private company located in Rome and Milan (Italy) focused on the design and development of advanced IT solution to search, access and manage relevant knowledge within Enterprises, with specific focus on Security, ICT and Transport domains. The company focuses on robust methodologies and IT solutions based on Java language and Open Source, to drive innovation through the search, manage and analyse of information that should be translated into valuable knowledge.

Innovation Engineering is focused on the development advanced Knowledge Search and Management solutions. The company is currently involved in R&D projects developing Ontologies to structure knowledge within the innovation process including usage if patents and scientific papers (project TECH IT EASY – funded by the EC contract 232410), and advanced search systems to support the search and retrieve of external knowledge following the Open innovation paradigm (project INSEARCH – FP7 contract 262491), of which Innovation Engineering is Coordinator.

The main competences rely in Knowledge Management Systems, Applications Development, Web Service and Back End Integration, Rich Internet Applications (RIA), and Mobile Development.

INNEN is involved in WP6, dedicated dissemination and communication activies, by developing the project dissemination kit and website.