
The overall objective of SisAl Pilot is to scale up and demonstrate a new European technology at TRL 6-7, using different raw material mixes to produce silicon and silicon alloys, along with MGA and HPA, validating product quality, environmental impact and economic parameters to lay the ground for commercialisation.


Specific objectives:

  • Define suitable raw material characteristics, availability and mixes for the SisAl process to assure product quality;
  • Pre-industrial scale production of commercial grade MG-Si, HP-Si/SoG-Si precursors, Al-Si alloys, MGA and HPA, in five different pilot locations ® Assessment of processes and products;
  • Develop at least five European business case scenarios for project partner clusters;
  • Verify environmental performance and HSE compliance of the SisAl process;
  • Dissemination and communication to create additional European societal value;


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